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The technological wastes (gadgets, PC, telephone, waste and leftovers of productive processes) are very complexes and they use a large quantity of material on its production. Recycling theses materials, we have the diminishing of the mass sent to the landfills, the same way the need to obtain those resources in the nature, what result in the environmental preservation.

The national policy of solid wastes include the solidarity responsibility of the companies by the recollection of the products commercialized by the end of their useful lifetime. In the State of São Paulo, the law n° 13.576/2009 institue the norms and the procedures for recycling, management and final destination for the gadgets, it equipments and telephone.

However, send by an adequate way the wastes from the companies it is not only a correct attitude from their managers, its primarily a legal obligation, which the not fulfillment might occur losses to the company. Beyond those factors, the society nowadays is aware and alert towards the sustainable and politically correct attitudes. Thus, the companies ought to give the adequate environmentally destination for their waste to avoid jeopardize its corporative image.

Vertas develops customized environmental projects and they can perform the complete management of the waste generated by the company. Our integrated management system certifies that the environmentally adequate destination is given to all sort of waste generated.

Vertas processes a wide range of technological waste (it equipments, gadgets, telephone) The wastes are completely mischaracterized and recycled in an automatic and dry process, making sure of the brand a data protection, resulting by the end of the circle a top quality raw material.

The technological waste which lands in Vertas is initially, dismantled, manually sorted out in huge groups such as plates, plastics, cables, metals and so on. After that first triage, that group of materials are inserted into the machine to be grinded and afterwards they separated accord to their physical-chemical features.

All raw material (metals and polymers) resulted from the process, return to the productive cycle, being used in the manufacturing of new products. Any other waste become fuel for furnaces and finally, the toxic wastes are sent to companies which take proper care of the adequate final destination.

Yes. Vertas works with several and diverse partners and it is open to new ones.

Yes. The compromise with the spreading of the recycling concept as well as the sustainability is among the company values. Every student interested in should come forward with his/her proper school identification and the course they are attending. To make an appointment one ought to send a letter from the school institution.

Yes. The company is proud to receive visitors by previous appointment.



Rua Rosa Kasinski, 1.109
Capuava Mauá/SP


+55 11 4513.6455
+55 11 4513.6467

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